A 4.75 kg Spleen Successfully Removed at İzmir City Hospital
22 Temmuz 2024


A 67-year-old female patient, who was battling anemia caused by myelofibrosis (a condition where the bone marrow does not function properly and produces abnormal cells), regained her health following surgery at İzmir City Hospital.

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yıldırım, the Head of the General Surgery Clinic who performed the surgery, stated, "Myelofibrosis is a slow-developing disease characterized by the disappearance of blood-producing tissue in the bone marrow. In these patients, the spleen and other organs take on the role of blood production. In our patient, the spleen assumed this function and grew to 4.75 kg, whereas a normal spleen weighs around 150 grams. After battling anemia caused by myelofibrosis for 20 years, we initially administered medication to our patient. When the medication did not yield results, we planned the surgery and successfully removed the spleen. Following the surgery, the patient, who has been under observation in our ward, no longer requires medication, and her blood values have returned to normal," he said.